BCCI has announced the squad of Team India for the Asian Games. In this tournament, Rohit Sharma or the youth player will hold the captaincy. BCCI has announced Team India for the 19th Asian Games. BCCI has announced a 15-member main squad. Four have been given a chance as reserve players.
BCCI informed about this in a late night tweet on Friday, July 14. Earlier, Shikhar Dhawan’s name was in the lead for this tournament. Team India’s youth Salam Veer Punekar ‘Rituraj Gaikwad‘ has been given the responsibility of captaincy. Also, opportunities have been given to players who have performed remarkably well in BCC and IPL. This includes many players including Rinku Singh. This tournament will be played in T20.
Opportunity for young players
The One Day World Cup tournament will be organized in India this year. The ODI World Cup 2023 will start from October 5. The Asian Games will start from September 28. So the B team will participate in the Asian Games.
This youth team consists of Rinku Singh, Rahul Tripathi, Tilak Verma and Yashasvi Jaiswal.
Asian Games 2023 will be played in which country?
The Asian Games cricket match will be held from September 28 to October 8. This competition will be organized in China. This is the third time that the Asian Games will be held in China. It is also the third time that cricket has been included in this tournament. Cricket was previously featured in the Asian Games in 2014 and 2010.