In Marathi, the word “designation” is translated as “पदनाम” (Padnaam) or “हुद्दा” (Hudda). It refers to the title or position someone holds in an organization, job, or role.
Format for Writing Designation in Marathi
When writing a designation in Marathi, especially in formal documents like resumes, letters, or official communications, the format typically includes the following details:
1. Name (नाव)
2. Designation (पदनाम/हुद्दा)
3. Organization/Company (संस्था/कंपनी)
4. Contact Information (संपर्क माहिती)
Example Format in Marathi
नाव (Name): राजेश कुमार पाटील
पदनाम (Designation): वरिष्ठ व्यवस्थापक
संस्था (Organization): एबीसी लिमिटेड
संपर्क माहिती (Contact Information):
- पत्ता (Address): १२३, एबीसी रोड, मुंबई – ४००००१
- फोन नंबर (Phone Number): +९१ ९८७६५४३२१०
- ईमेल (Email):
Another Example for a Business Card Format
राजेश कुमार पाटील
वरिष्ठ व्यवस्थापक
एबीसी लिमिटेड
संपर्क: +९१ ९८७६५४३२१०
पत्ता: १२३, एबीसी रोड, मुंबई – ४००००१
Key Marathi Words for Designation
- पदनाम (Padnaam): Designation
- हुद्दा (Hudda): Post/Position
- नोकरी (Nokri): Job
- संस्था (Sanstha): Organization
- संपर्क माहिती (Sampark Mahiti): Contact Information